Patrick 51 Published Books

the dangers of gMO food

the dangers of gMO food

Definition of Genetic Modification

When mixing the genes from different organisms, the resulting organism is "Genetically modified (GM)".

The Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods

1- Infertility:

  • Most baby rats feeding on GM-fed mothers die within three weeks. The few who survive are born smaller. After three generations, they are infertile.
Pigs and cows fed with GM food are eventually unable to reproduce.

  • No wonders that human fertility is decreasing.

2- Cancers

In March 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) categorized Glycophosphate (a toxin used in GMO) as a potential cancer cause.

Glycophosphate is linked to Parkinson disease, Alzheimer, Autism, breast cancer and prostate cancer. 

IGF (Insulin Growth Factor) is increased in dairy products from cows fed with GE foods. Studies have revealed that IGF-1 can trigger breast, prostate and colon cancers.

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has informed that GMO foods are unsafe and asked all doctors to advise their patients to avoid GM foods.

3- Liver toxicity:

Arguably, the liver is the most important organ in our body. It is responsible for over 2,000 tasks. The main ones being detoxification, producing bile for the digestion of fat, supporting the stomach and intestines, etc.

When rats are fed on GM potatoes, their liver is injured. When these potatoes are replaced with non-GM food, their liver eventually recovers.

4- Antibiotic resistance:

GM foods can increase the antibiotics' resistance of some bacteria. This of course is alarming and will lead to a rise in diseases.

Numerous foods and herbs have antibiotic properties: Allspice, Oregano, Thyme, Cumin, garlic, onions, T-tree, foods rich in vitamin C, Cinnamon, Tarragon, Cloves, Bay leaf, Chili peppers, Rosemary, Marjoram, Caraway seed, Coriander, Dill, Basil, Nutmeg, Cardamom, Pepper, Ginger (fantastic for sore throats), Anise, Fennel, Mint Sage, Mustard, Parsley, Basil, Coriander..

And one more.. Honey - I know that this is not supposed to be vegan food, but personally I use "Raw Organic Honey" every day in my smoothie. I don't consider that I am cheating, considering the remarkable benefits of Honey.

A short story:

A couple of months ago, I badly cut my ankle with a chainsaw (don't ask how it happened, I was just stupid).

The doctor, despite my saying that I had an allergy to antibiotics, gave me a week supply. Antibiotics, apart from other problems they cause, mess up the bacteria in your intestines. True to form, they literally destroyed my usually good bowel movements and gave me abdominal cramps.

After this first week, as the stitches still looked inflamed, the medic wanted to give me one more week of antibiotics. I refused.

Thereafter, mornings and evenings my wife change my dressing and used fresh aloe vera or raw organic honey to speed up the healing and prevent infection. Six days later, the stitches were removed, and my ankle recovered without any problem.

I believe that the doctor was rather pleased to get rid of this unruly patient.

What to do

The obvious answer is to choose organic food whenever we can. Also, certain food such as yellow corn, soya beans and soya products such as soy miso (you may be able to buy a safer rice miso if you're lucky), tofu, natto (great shame because I love natto), tempeh, textured soy protein, soy milk, etc.

 Choose foods marked as non-GMO whenever you can.

Disclaimer: The advice offered here  is presented as an information resource only. This information does not create any patient-physician relationship and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.