Patrick 51 Published Books

Jun Labo life story

Jun Labo meditatesJun Labo meditates

Jun Labo was born December 23, 1934 in Dagupan City, Pangasinan, Philippines. He was one of the strongest Psychic Surgeons (also known as a faith healer) in the Philippines.
Jun's parents belonged to the "Union Espiritista Christiana de Filipinas" (a spiritualist church that has taught numerous healers in the Philippines).
Jun's mother was a psychic dentist, and she forced Jun to go to church on Sundays. Jun was not keen on spending part of his Sunday in church and used to sneak out to play with his friends.
One Sunday, he became paralysed during a church ceremony. In a state of shock and fear, he witnessed his first apparition of Jesus, who was to become one of his spirit guides for all healing.
His first healing experience came when he was accompanying his mother on a spiritual walk:
One woman collapsed, and Jun instinctively began rubbing her chest. Blood spurted out, and Jun ran away in fear. The crowd brought him back and asked him to finish the healing. Jun carried on rubbing the woman's chest, and she fully recovered.

some amazing surgeries

Jun Labo relaxing in his gardenJun Labo relaxing in his garden

Jun probably was the most flamboyant Filipino healer. He was often referred to as the Muhammad Ali of Filipino healer because of his extrovert personality.
Jun has been credited with some remarkable healing. In his book the "Magician of God", Jaime Licauco reports that:
"I saw Jun lift the eyeball of a Japanese patient suffering from glaucoma out of its socket, extract some blackish tissue from underneath the eyeball and then return the eyeball to its socket without the patient feeling any pain."
It was a bloody and eerie operation that did not damage the eye".

Jun's female partners

Jun Labo's wife Christine supports him during surgeryChristine supports Jun

Jun married three times. His last wife, Lisa, is a Russian lawyer. His two previous wives were respectively Australian and Japanese.

I met Christine, his Australian wife, in March 2014. She is into healing herself and is a wonderful lady.

Jun Elected mayor

Jun ran for election and became Mayor of Baguio City in 1988. His term only lasted two years as his citizenship was questioned (his second wife was Australian, and he was supposed to have adopted and kept that nationality).
Jun eventually had his Filipino citizenship reconfirmed and was reelected in 1992. Altogether, he served five years as Mayor. Jun was unsuccessful in seeking election again in 2009 and 2013.

One Of The Most Tested Healers In The Philippines

A film - narrated in English by Burt Lancaster, was made on Jun Labo by producer Alan Newman in the early 1980s.
Jun was seen operating on a Filipino patient suffering from eye problems in this film.
To diagnose the patient, Jun used his sheet as an X-ray and spotted something in the throat of Alan Newman, who was standing behind the patient.
After a successful operation on the Filipino, he asked Alan to lie down and operated on his throat, removing a large quantity of pus from it.
Newman later confirmed that he had had a problem with his throat for the past eight years but had not told Jun. After the surgery, Newman could breathe freely for the first time in 8 years.
Jaime Licauco in "Magicians of God" states:
"Many scientists including Dr Alfred Stelter and Dr Gerrit Bretzler from Germany, Dr Hans Naegeli of Switzerland, Dr Nagato of Azuma of Japan and Dr Lee Pulos of Canada have declared Jun genuine.
Dr C Norman Shealy, a Neuroscientist and head of the Pain Rehabilitation Clinic in La Crosse, Wisconsin, and Dr Elmer Green, a director of the Menninger Foundation in Topeka, Kansas, testified that the fluids taken out of Jun's patients were genuine.

Jun's Diagnosis Techniques

To find out a patient's condition, Jun holds a cut-out bedsheet in front of the patient and use it as a form of psychic x-ray. Through it, he can see spots inside the patient's body. If the spots are bright, it is not so severe.

Patrick's note: ALL genuine psychic surgeons I have vetted have a similar gift. Some use a cloth to see inside the patient's body. Psychic Surgeon Laurence Cacteng can see without a cloth.

Jun's Magical X-Ray Fixes my Elbow..

The magic of seeing through the body is handy.

On one of my trips to the Philippines, I visited Jun with an elbow complaint that had been bothering me for several months.

Jun looked through his bedsheet (X-ray machine) and started working on my inner left shoulder, where he claimed the circulatory blockage was. He removed it.

The next day, my elbow pain was gone for the first time in many months...

I know this is a small thing to mention as Jun routinely removes cancerous tumours from people's bodies, but I wanted to say it anyway.

I could have gone around all types of specialists. I would have been given all kinds of pills, but nobody would have gone to my shoulder to remove some unnecessary tissues blocking the blood circulation in my elbow.

This is the magic of the best Psychic Surgeons: To know where to go to remove all types of physical problems.

Patrick's note: Psychic Surgeon Laurence Cacteng has also often helped me with mysterious aches and pains. Recently, I had severe food poisoning and could not lie down or sit from the pain. Luckily, I was due to see Laurence with a group of visitors the next day. I told Laurence about my predicament, he operated on my abdomen, and all pain had gone seconds later. Magic!

Other Psychic Surgeon Available

Psychic Surgeon Laurence Cacteng is a gifted Filipino. He is documented as having cured 10,000s patients over his long career. Laurence channels Jesus.

Through Patrick, Laurence offers treatments at his healing centre in the Philippines. Contact us, and we'll let you know if we can help.

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