Patrick 51 Published Books

Psychic Surgery Philippines 

Psychic Surgery explained

  • Psychic Surgeons operate with their hands
  • No anesthesia. The customer is fully awake during the surgery
  • No stritches; the wound closes by itself
  • The surgeon channels his powerful spirit who guides him during the surgery
  • No chemicals used, no side effects

Some conditions Psychic surgery has helped

List of diseases
  • Unlike modern surgeons, Filipino Psychic Surgeons do not specialize in any specific disease
  • The guide they channel can work on any condition
  • The guide will not allow the surgeon to operate if it can hurt the patient

Customer Feedback

Psychic surgery feedback1

"After less than a week of treatments, my mother and I both found us moving parts of our bodies, searching for the aches and pains that Laurence ( psychic surgeon ) had treated but that we had nured over months and, in some cases, years. These aches and pains had disappeared."

The Team

  • Psychic Surgeon Laurence operates on customers
  • Laurence has over 50 years of experience
  • Laurence is rated as one of the most powerful surgeons ever
  • Laurence has worked on 10,000s of customers

Testimonials from previous customers

  • Naturopath Patrick cured himself of liver and large intestines cancer, diagnosed in July 1991
  • Patrick will pick you up when you arrive and drive you back on your last day
  • Patrick's consultation is included in the cost of your trip
  • Patrick will book your trip with Laurence, and recommend safe hotels, money changers, banks, the park, the market, etc...

check our trip to visit a surgeon

Plane taking offMany flights to the Philippines are available daily
  • Has modern medicine failed to help you?
  • Do you believe that the new treatments offered are too strong and may cause side effects?
  • Would you like a more gentle approach with absolutely no side effects?

Psychic surgery should be able to help you. Click above to see the details of our organised trips.

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