Patrick 51 Published Books

breast cancer recovery explained

Breast cancer cured

To activate a Breast cancer recovery,  you must do the following:

  1. MOST IMPORTANT: Remove the virus always presents with breast cancer. Viruses are always around us outside and in our homes. Some are harmless, and some are deadly. It is a good idea to get a filter such as the AirDoctor 3500 that removes 99.99% of tested bacteria & viruses, including H1N1 in third-party laboratory testing.
  2. Remove the toxic heavy metals such as mercury, aluminium, nickel, cadmium, copper, etc. These are food for your virus and make your cancer grow.
  3. Remove all foods that feed your cancer and make it grow.
  4. Increase the foods that attack your cancer.
  5. Remove toxic cosmetics, detergents, chemicals, scented products, etc., from your environment.
  6. Introduce non-toxic materials in your home.
  7. Protect yourself from your phone, computer and other electrical appliances, especially from 5G or higher.
  8. With your doctor's approval, swap prescribed chemicals with herbal supplements.
  9. Use herbal supplements to speed up your recovery from cancer.
  10. Sleep well – Also known as the "sleep hormone", melatonin is considered a natural sleep aid. Having sufficient levels of this hormone supports deep and restful sleep, whereas having low melatonin levels is associated with poor sleep quality. Supplementing with 5-HTP can help you maintain healthy melatonin levels within the normal range, supporting healthy sleep patterns.

The trick is to know what hurts you. For example:

Would you know which foods are the most harmful: vinegar, bread or sugar?

You probably chose sugar, and you're mistaken. Sugar is terrible but not as bad as bread or other gluten-containing products. Gluten is found in most common flour, such as wheat. It encourages the growth of your virus and the growth of your cancer.

It is complicated, if not impossible, to beat breast cancer without removing this virus and acting on all of the above.

Breast cancer recovery

$19.50 - USA Paperback version here.

$19.50 - UK Paperback version here.

Patrick's book: "Heal Breast Cancer With Powerful Herbal Remedies and Proper Diet"

All the items mentioned above must be addressed, and you will need some guidance. I suggest you purchase my book. It costs $9.95 for an online version or $19.50 for a paperback version. 

Doctors & Viruses

Boxing virus

Modern medicine greatly ignores the virus/cancer connection.

Furthermore, they can only find a virus if it is in your bloodstream, and viruses first prefer to lodge themselves in the liver as they have plenty of toxins to eat there.

It is to be noted that, most times, cancer starts in the liver and, once fully established, moves to a weak organ. i.e. the breast.

Our highly polluted environment

Toxins planet earth

We have polluted our planet for over a century and are now paying the price.

We live in an atmosphere filled with toxic heavy metals such as mercury, lead, copper, arsenic, aluminium, nickel, cadmium, etc. 

We are also poisoned by plastics, radiation, chlorine, fluoride, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, cleaning solvents, etc. Those feed cancers, viruses, and bacteria and cause inflammation and diseases.

To ensure recovery from breast cancer, or any other cancer, these must be removed from your body. They also poison your home environment, but it is easy to remove those.

breast cancer Recovery

Breast cancer recoveryBreast Cancer Recovery
Breast cancer recovery

$19.50 - USA Paperback version here.

$19.50 - UK Paperback version here.