Patrick 51 Published Books

Reiki Shop

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list of Reiki items available:

1- Reiki manuals to level 1, level 2 and Master & Reiki 1,2 and Master in one manual

2- All Reiki Attunements captured on video

3- MP3 Reiki gentle music and meditation to

  1. Meet your Reiki guide
  2. Gentle Reiki music with Tibetan bell every three minutes
  3. Move your hands to... Reiki instructions every three minutes

Reiki Manuals - Choose Amazon Kindle, PDF, or Paperback

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Reiki 1 manual

This Reiki 1manual contains the following:

  • A complete history of Reiki. Including the two stories about Dr Mikaomi Usui
  • Reiki Ideals explained
  • Why it is essential to do the 21 days self-treatments
  • How does Reiki work?
  • What can be treated?
  • Working on plants and animals
  • How to give a treatment?
  • Treating serious ailments
  • Self Treatment
  • Scanning a person's body
  • Working on the aura
  • Hand positions treating self
  • Hand positions treating others

Reiki 2 Manuals

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Reiki 2 manual

This e-manual contains the following:

  • How do the symbols work?
  • Where do the symbols come from?
  • How to activate the symbols?
  • Full explanation on the Power Symbol CHO KU REI
  • Sealing a treatment
  • The symbols for Protection
  • Clearing a room of bad energy
  • Working with projects, ideas, etc...
  •  Working on objects
  • Working on food and drinks
  • The Mental Emotional Symbol SEI HE KI
  • Working on Emotions
  • Filtering asked vibes
  • Helping your memory with the Mental Emotional symbol Working on relationships
  • Good and bad habits
  • The Distance symbol HON SHA ZE SHO NEN
  • Sending to the future
  • Sending to the past
  • Sending to spirits
  • Sending a spirit to the light
  • Reiki for goals
  • Do you need permission to send Reiki?
  • Shipping to plants
  • Sending to a group of people

Reiki Master Manuals

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Reiki Master manual

Reiki Master Manual 

This e-manual contains the following:

  • A review of Dr Mikao Usui's background
  • Reiki Alliance, Reiki Association and Independent Reiki Masters Reiki Stories
  • What happens during the attunements?
  • Who are these spirit guides who attend the initiations?
  • Why does Reiki sometimes work better on others than on self?
  • What to do if Reiki does not heal the person?
  • The cause and development of diseases explained
  • Your health is like a bucket
  • The healing crisis
  • Dr Mikaomi Usui Master Symbol
  • A meditation to work with projects
  • Western Psychic Surgery explained
  • Antahkarana symbols
  • The two Tibetan symbols
  • Serpent of Fire and Tibetan Master symbol DAI KO MIO
  • Attunements - different techniques
  • Pure Usui attunements
  • Tibetan Reiki attunements
  • Hui Yin point
  • Violet breath
  • Usui Tibetan attunement to all levels explained
  • Distant attunement
  • What to teach on Reiki one
  • What to teach on Reiki two

Reiki 1, 2 and Master - three manuals in one book

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Reiki ALL levels small


An excellent Reiki 1 manual is essential for proper learning.

If you have studied Reiki and your master has failed to provide you with a good manual, do not despair; this manual will tell you everything you need to know about Reiki 1.
Patrick's manual contains the following:
A complete history of Reiki
The two stories about Dr Mikaomi Usui
Reiki Ideals explained
21 days self-treatments Why it is important
How does Reiki work?
What can be treated?
Working on plants and animals
How to give a treatment?
Treating serious ailments
Self Treatment
Scanning a person's body
Working on the aura
Hand positions treating self
Hand positions treating others


Unless your Reiki Master has given you a comprehensive manual, you will be struggling with your Reiki healing and will not be able to help others as much as you should.
Reiki 2 introduces three symbols. Our manual explains how to use the symbols in great detail and what they are for.The three symbols are:1- POWER Symbol - CHO KU REI
Additional symbol:
HON SHA ZE SHO NEN is used to send Reiki to somebody at a distance. The person may be in the same room, a different room or even a different Town or Country. You may not even know where they are, and it does not matter. Distance is no problem. You could even send Reiki to another being on another planet if you knew how to identify them.
Our manual explains how to:
* Send Reiki to the future
* Send Reiki to the past
* Send Reiki to the spirits
* Reiki to achieve a goal
* Do you need permission to send Reiki
* Reiki and medical treatments
* Send to plants
* Send to a group of people
* Why say the name of the symbol three times
* Beam Reiki to somebody


This Reiki Master manual contains a lot of invaluable information not found in any other Reiki books.
How to perform the initiations to all levels is covered.

Some other topics covered in our manual:

  • A review of the origin of Reiki
  • Dr Mikao Usui
  • Reiki Alliance
  • Reiki Association and Independent Masters
  • Six amazing Reiki healing stories
  • Comparing the three Reiki level two symbols
  • What happens during the Attunements?
  • Who are these spirit guides that attend the attunements?
  • Why does Reiki sometimes work better on others than on self?
  • What to do if Reiki does not heal the person?
  • The causes and development of disease
  • The healing crisis or Herxheimer Reaction
  • Dr Mikao Usui Master symbol — DAI KOO MYO
  • A meditation to work with projects
  • Antahkarana symbols
  • Two Tibetan symbols
  • Different attunement techniques
  • Usui / Tibetan Attunements
  • Healing attunement
  • Distant Attunement
  • Pure Usui Reiki Attunements to the three levels explained
  • When to start Initiating others
  • What to teach on Reiki 1
  • What to teach on Reiki 2

MP3s meditations and more

As you probably know, you have two brains in your head. To be successful with the meditation to meet your Reiki guide, you must abandon control to your right brain.

The right brain is our intuitive brain. It is used for Reiki Meditations, intuition, painting, singing, and anything that does not require complex analysis.

The left brain is our logical brain. It is the one we use when making a “rational” decision. It is our calculating brain. We use this side of our brain when we analyse something and use facts and figures to reach a conclusion.


Meditation to meet your Reiki guide 

If you are a Reiki practitioner, our Reiki meditation to "Meet your Guide" is recommended to allow you to communicate with this powerful healing spirit. Knowing who they are will make your Reiki more personal.

 You are no longer on your own when you give healing; you can talk to your guide. Familiarity with this spiritual being will increase your confidence in Reiki and make your treatments more powerful.

Only $7.95


Reiki Meditations With Gentle Tibetan Bell Sound Every Three minutes

Students love this extremely popular Reiki music.
It allows you to completely relax when giving a treatment to a client or when self-treating.
It plays gentle, relaxing music for one full hour.
It allows you to drift away and enjoy the treatment.
Every three minutes, you will hear the beautiful sound of a Tibetan bell to remind you that it is time to change your hand position.

Only $7.95


Reiki Music With Hand Position Instructions Every Three Minutes

A soothing Reiki music with Instructions. It is a great way to relax when treating yourself or others.
No need to concentrate; you can let go.
Every three minutes, a soft voice will whisper in your ear where you should move your hands next.

Only $7.95

ALL Reiki Inititations

reiki attunements on video $19.95

Reiki Initiations Tickets

All Reiki Attunements are on this video.

If you want to learn how to attune others or improve your Initiation routine, this video is for you.

Our film exhibits through visual examples the three pure Dr Mikao Usui's methods of initiations to Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master, and the four Usui Tibetan methods.

Throughout the movie, our running narratives and captions will help you quickly master the routines.