Patrick 51 Published Books


About Patrick

How I became vegan


In July 1991, after many years of stress and a terrible diet, my health was deplorable. I had pre-cancerous tumours in my liver (and later in my large intestines - both cancers were eventually confirmed).

My Recovery from cancer

  • In July 1991, I started following a Macrobiotic / Vegan diet and lifestyle. This significantly contributed to saving my life. A Macrobiotic diet is a Vegan diet, but with more restrictions. My eating was void of all animal flesh or animal products.
  • I studied Macrobiotic / Vegan cooking between September 1991 and December 1993 at the East-West centre Community Health Foundation in London, UK. My primary tutors for the lectures were Jon Sandifer, Simon Brown (deceased), Denny Waxman, Michio Kushi, Herman Aihara, Bob Lloyd (cook) and many more from the US and Japan.
  • I spent a couple of years taking notes for Denny Waxman when he gave consultations. I organized lectures for Denny at my school and learnt a lot from him.
Many books bw

I read an impressive number of books on Natural Medicine

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I attended numerous courses on Alternative Medicine

my Macrobiotic and vegan studies allowed me to learn

  • How different foods in the body can negatively affect our health.
  • How to use vegetables, fruits, grains, spices, beans, wild foods, and herbs to boost our health.
  • I learnt the damage caused by negative emotions, excessive stress and the poisons we breathe.
  • I found a lot of information about viruses and how to combat them.
  •  I investigated the impact of harmful bacteria on our bodies and how to reduce their numbers. And how to boost the number of good bacteria with a Vegan diet.
  • I learnt the damage caused by toxic heavy metals and other environmental toxins and how to detox the body.

Boost Your Immune System

I was born in 1951. I cured myself from cancer of the Liver and Colon diagnosed in 1991. Daily I take this supplement to maximise my immune system. 

A 2007 study published in the Cambridge University Press found that taking supplements of NAC could boost your immune system to perform at its best. A strong antioxidant NAC can help your body's defence mechanisms even more.

Poor cognitive function is linked to low brain glutathione levels. NAC is a neurotransmitter that can also promote normal glutathione levels in the brain for the best possible cognitive performance. NAC also has strong antioxidant qualities that can aid in preventing oxidative damage to your brain.