Patrick 51 Published Books


Avoid vegan diet pitfalls

avoid Vegan diet pitfalls

Why have many people tried a vegan diet but did not achieve the healing they sought?

The obvious answer is that they did not do it properly.

This webpage will help you understand what they did wrong.

The wrong vegan food

  • French fries, some vegan cheeses, soda pop and dark chocolate, etc. might all be vegan, but that hardly qualifies them as healthy.
  • Vegans often consume highly processed foods containing poor quality oil, sugar, vinegar, flour (gluten), too much salt, traces of pesticides, colouring, flavouring, MSG, GMO, etc. 

You cannot expect to be healthy on a vegan diet if you eat the above.

Our highly toxic environment

Toxins planet earth
  • For over a century, chemical, pharmaceutical, and other companies have done their best to pollute our environment. Breathing has become dangerous. 
  • Radiation is all around us. 5G cell towers are erected, and some honest scientists have informed us about their dangers. You must protect yourself and your family against 5G with this supplement.

The wrong products


If you go around their house, you will find the above products. These may get rid of dirt, but they contain enough chemicals to damage their liver and make them sick. 

Change the products you have bought from the store with clean, phosphate-free, chemical-free Laundry and Dishwasher detergents.

Our skin products and other smellies

Toxic cosmetics
  • You are most likely using what you think are the best products to help you keep young looking and beautiful but have you dared read the list of ingredients they contain?
  • Is your toothpaste poisoning you slowly? Use a clean one.
  • Is your perfume attacking your lungs?
  • Is your eau de cologne going to harm your liver? 
  • Do these scented candles contain GMOs?

I am sure that you are getting the concept of what I am trying to explain. 

it is not your vegan diet that is wrong,
it's everything else around you.

avoid vegan diet pitfalls e-Book & Paperback 

A vegan diet is the best to follow to regain health. I say that because it saved my life.

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Available as a Paperback here at $24.50.

Let's ask my book some questions

1- Assume that you want to know if GMO food is acceptable to eat.

Type "GMO" in our e-book or check the Index on our paperback, and you will be given this information.


2- Say you are preparing a vegan meal and need to sauté the food but wonder what oil is best to use.

A quick search in  Avoid Vegan Diet Pitfalls for "oil" will tell you that:

Under Canola oil:

  • Canola oil is hydrogenated, also called trans fats. Trans fats increase your risk of developing heart disease and many other health problems.
  • When heated, Canola oil creates chemical compounds that encourage the growth of cancer cells (...and more). 

Under  Coconut Oil:

  • If you want to fry, sauté, bake, and roast some food, unrefined coconut oil withstands high cooking temperatures and is the best oil to use.

As you can see, it is straightforward to avoid vegan diet pitfalls with our book and at a very low price.

My book will also help with Diseases

Let's imagine that you have diabetes and are looking for the best vegan foods to eat.

Search for "diabetes" in our book, and it will tell you the dangerous foods you should avoid and the foods you should eat to help you recover:

Some examples found:

  • Scientists have found that the regular consumption of carrots reduces the chances of becoming diabetic.
  • The lycopene component of melons is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce oxidative stress. It will also help keep your heart healthy and prevent diabetes, certain cancers, cardiovascular disorders and macular diseases.
  • Tomatoes help fight type 2 diabetes by strengthening the glucose level.

Many more foods came up in the search.

finally, What doctors say about veganism

A couple of extracts from the Livekindly site:

  • Many doctors, dieticians, and other health professionals advocate for a plant-based diet. In part, this is because of the health risks associated with animal products. There is an increasing body of evidence that links meat consumption—particularly that of red and processed meats—with chronic illness.
  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), eating 50 grams of processed meat per day—four strips of bacon or a single hot dog—can increase the risk of colorectal cancer by up to 18 percent. Diabetes, liver disease, cardiovascular diseases, and colon cancer are all linked to eating meat.

Many more doctors have commented on the healing powers of a vegan diet.

Boost Your Immune System

I was born in 1951. I cured myself from cancer of the Liver and Colon diagnosed in 1991. Daily I take this supplement to maximise my immune system. 

A 2007 study published in the Cambridge University Press found that taking supplements of NAC could boost your immune system to perform at its best. A strong antioxidant NAC can help your body's defence mechanisms even more.

Poor cognitive function is linked to low brain glutathione levels. NAC is a neurotransmitter that can also promote normal glutathione levels in the brain for the best possible cognitive performance. NAC also has strong antioxidant qualities that can aid in preventing oxidative damage to your brain.