Patrick 51 Published Books

indian head massage
video & manual

Indian head massage video

A very detailed Indian head massage video that will allow you to learn this very relaxing form of massage in the comfort of your home.

The sequence is both narrated and with prompts on the screen to make sure learners can understand the subtleties of Indian Head Massage.

Please the short movie below.

indian head massage manual

Indian head massage

 This massage is so relaxing that it is not uncommon for customers to fall asleep during the treatment.

Our manual will teach you the entire sequence.
It covers:
The head
The neck
The arms
The back
The shoulders
The scalp
The face
The whole sequence lasts about 45 minutes.
A video may be added to help you with visual information.
The history of Indian Head Massage and the importance of the Chakras are also discussed.
An index has been added to the end of Patrick's book. This is an invaluable help when looking for a specific condition or word.
Example 1: Say you have Tinnitus. A quick look will tell you what pages contain information on this problem.
Example 2: You want to know if Indian Head Massage can help with Spondylitis. Our index tells you where to find the answer.
Example 3: You want to list all the pages for "Chakras"... Our index tells the pages that can help.

Reading a Paperback that has yet to get an index means that if you are looking for something, you must read the whole book to find what you are hunting for.


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