Patrick 51 Published Books

Oriental diagnosis

 observe a person's features and know their state of health.

See the weakness in an organ before it causes serious problems.

Oriental Diagnosis is like seeing inside a body using sophisticated equipment. But the difference is that you only need your eyes and the knowledge you will acquire in this book... Look at a person’s face and instantly know what is happening in their body.

  • Their forehead will tell you about the state of their intestines. Are they congested? Is any growth developing? Etc...
  • Their kidneys will show under their eyes and on their ears. Are they retaining water?
  • Markings between the eyes will indicate the state of their liver. Fatty liver?
  • You will know the condition of their gallbladder when looking around their eyebrows. That may also tell you what type of diet they have been following.
  • Their stomach shows on the sides of their nose and their upper lip. How is it?
  • The uterus, prostate, ovaries, and testes are seen on the chin. Is this man’s prostate swollen?
  • The cheeks will tell you about their lungs. Are they congested?
  • The heart shows on the nose and the tongue. Is it hard? Have they got a heart murmur?
  • The ears, eyes, tongue, hand, nails, meridians, feet and other methods will complete your diagnosis.

The colour of their skin and the right/left side of their body are all covered in this book.

When finished, you will have a clear idea of what is happening in that person’s body. This form of diagnosis is based on Patrick’s study of macrobiotics, and it would not be complete without an introduction to the Yin and Yang energy.
Advice is given throughout the book to suggest ways that you may be able to help a person naturally.
It, however, goes without saying that if they are unwell, they should consult their medical practitioner. 

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