Patrick 51 Published Books

Radiation Dangers

what is radiation?

Cancer Radiation therapy uses high energy from a source and travels through some material or space to try to kill cancer cells by damaging their DNA.

However, radiation therapy can also damage normal cells, leading to numerous side effects and weakening the immune system.

A machine may deliver radiation outside the body or from radioactive material placed in the body near cancer cells.

The National Academy of Sciences concluded in a report on radiation dangers:

"One out of 100 people exposed to 100 millisieverts of radiation over their lifetime probably would develop solid cancer or leukaemia, and that half of those cases would be fatal."

In 2007, researchers from the National Cancer Institute estimated that 29,000 cancer cases could be attributed to CT scans performed in the country. They were confirming radiation dangers.

This lady was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. She followed her doctor's and oncologist's advice and had radiation. She's written an open letter: "Dear Dr. (oncologist)".

This is a must-read if you have cancer.

How Do Cancerous Tumours Materialise?

A cancerous tumour is a symptom of a weak immune system. It can take years to develop, feeding on your internal toxins and an accompanying virus in 98% of the time.

Cutting it out with surgery, poisoning it with chemotherapy or burning it with radiation is like smashing a check engine light in your car.

It doesn’t address the cause of the problem.

What needs to be done is to

Search this book for your disease and it will tell you what herb/ supplement to use.

Boost your immune system by controlling your diet

Eliminate your virus - extremely important

Flush out the toxins in your body

Take herbal supplements to weaken and eliminate your cancer

Work on your emotions

Changing your lifestyle

This is how I beat my cancer, and this is how I can help you to defeat yours. I have been helping people with cancer since 1993, and thousands have recovered health following my advice.

I have published several cancer books and give one-to-one consultations using the internet.

What Cancer Specialists Say About Radiation Dangers

Dr Rashid Buttar - Author and Lecturer

"Radiation Is harmful to any healthy person. Why? Because it suppresses the immune system, and you end up getting cancer.

If you look at other statistics, what does a cancer patient die of? They usually end up dying from some opportunistic infection—pneumonia, urinary tract infection becomes septic, whatever.

They also die of multi-organ system failure because the tumour burden is so significant, the system can’t keep up with the whole blood disgraces that result from this."

Dr Roby Mitchell - M.D

"Chemotherapy, radiation... they can’t cure cancer. The cell kinetics are just against it. That will never happen."

Burton Goldberg Author and Lecturer

"... radiation causes cancer. Mammograms cause cancer. We know that. Medical research, the medical journals prove it, and yet they still do it."

... "what happens if there’s a tumour there? You’re squeezing it through the body. It’s insanity.

So, the medical profession, in my opinion, is as corrupt as any third-world nation and this country (USA) is allowing it.

And it’s allowing it because the Roosevelt administration said that agencies designed to protect humanity are protecting the industry."

G. Edward Griffin:

Author, Lecturer, and Filmmaker

"The present Orthodox view is that cancer is a lump or a bump. That’s cancer... if that is true, then to get rid of cancer, all you have to do is get rid of the lump or the bump.

And hence we have surgery. Well, that gets rid of the lump or the bump... Or, we have radiation which burns it and gets rid of it.

... the doctor will say it looks like we got it all, that famous line, we got it all. But did they?

No! Statistics show that in most cases, it comes back.

They didn’t get it all because that was never cancer in the first place.

If you’re a farmer and you see all these little black spots on your corn leaves, you think those are black spots. That’s the disease, and you get the scissors out and cut all the black spots away, you know.

Well, we got it all. No, you didn’t because that wasn’t the disease. What caused those black spots is still present."

And we know that chemotherapy does not work for stem cells, the cancer stem cells.

Ian Jacklin

Filmmaker and Researcher:

Unfortunately, in almost all medical systems in the western world, whether it be Canada, Europe, or America, our doctors are only allowed to do chemo, radiation, and surgery when it comes to treating cancer patients.

We know radiation makes cancer stem cells worse.

If you need help with cancer talk to me. I can help.

Talking is FREE

Causes of cancer

In 98% of cases, cancer is caused by:

  1. A virus (100% of cases for breast or prostate cancer). A virus needs food to eat to grow strong and stay alive. This food is provided by the toxins you accumulate daily in your body, especially in your liver.
  2. From a bad diet.
  3. Toxic heavy metals such as mercury, lead, copper, arsenic, aluminium, nickel, cadmium, etc.
  4. Plastics, radiation, chlorine, fluoride, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, cleaning solvents, etc.

We cannot avoid the last two as they are present in the air we breathe and our food.

I can advise you to do ALL the above and help you recover health with my advice. I specialise, and I am successful in helping people with cancers and autoimmune diseases.